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Private Lessons with Eli. H

30 min. 45 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Voice (ages 6+)

Eli. H

Eli musician and illustrator. Their biggest loves are art and education, and firmly believe that theater and music can be a tool in learning and understanding different people and cultures. As they've learned more about theater, they’ve fallen in love with roles that call for a more artistic interpretation, such as Macheath in The Threepenny Opera or Greta in Antigone, Presented by the Girls of St. Catherine's.

In their free time, Eli loves to spend time with close family and friends, whether it be simply walking around together, watching a movie, or picnicking, any time spent is positive time. As a recent graduate from the University of Colorado Boulder, getting their Bachelor's of Music in Musical Theater, Eli is most looking forward to starting down the path of professional theater and beginning their career down a path of arts education.

$36.00/lesson, Month to month

Friday at Parker Studio Location